Monday, June 6, 2011

the story of the bunny

To begin, lets just admit that the dormancy of this blog is 2 things:

a. embarassing
b. an indication as to the speed of life in the restaurant world the past month

So to reclaim those missed moments over the past couple weeks, only one story comes to an OVERWHELMING must tell..... the tale of the baby bunny. Who cares about the angry customers, the happy customers, the server mistakes and accomplishments- those happen every week... this was legendary. : )

As I had mentioned earlier, we found a bunny nest in our yard not too long ago. Well, the reason we found the bunny nest remains to be told....

Caleb discovered the bunny nest one day as he was ripping out bushes in our yard. And I mean ripping. Unfortunately the bunny discovery came as a result of Caleb jamming a shovel full force into the ground without realizing the he was inches away from the nest. The bunnies scampered in all directions as we frantically tried to make sure none were injured & tried to direct them back to their secure home. All bunnies made it safely back... but one. He (I called it a 'he') was sitting huddled close to our fence the rest of the evening as we finished up the yard work. After assessing the baby multiple times, we concluded that he was still breathing normally and we should not touch him in case he made his way back to the nest.

Well you can imagine the anguish that resulted all night as we lay in bed hoping the poor bunny was not suffering... (or maybe just my mental anguish imposed on Caleb as I kept questioning whether we should go out and check on him every few hours!)

Well, the early morning finally came & I was off to Headstart. Caleb left not long after but stopped to check on the baby bunny- still huddled in the same spot by the fence. Poor bunny! Caleb resorted to attempting to pick up the baby bunny and place him back in the nest. Good thought, however, the bunny scampered under the fence! So Caleb went around to the outside of the fence to try to save the bunny. He approached the bunny, was able to pick him up & walked him across the street to staff working in the Garden. (hopefully i am not giving away our proximity from home to work) And since Caleb had the vulnerable little guy in his hands, he thought he may as well show the baby to the guys in the kitchen... of the restaurant.

Well you can imagine what may have happened next.... While standing in the kitchen showing off this tough little bunny- the bunny decides to leap out of Caleb's hands....and falls directly into a floor drain! Down he goes! 8 guys in the kitchen gasp- 8 'tough guys' in the kitchen go into SAVE THE BUNNY mode!

So I could drag this story on really long because basically it took at least 5 men, a hose, and the removal of a manhole cover about an hour to rescue this baby bunny! Lets just say that there is a U-shaped hole in the drain to catch grease and food, etc.... and the bunny fell down into that! Greasy, food covered bunny. Upon attempts to flood the bunny out of the drain from all directions as well as poke it out with the hose and pull it out by the head- all kitchen heros felt sure this bunny's fate was doomed... At one point, the bunnies head was wedged next to the hose in the drain kinking the hose & the bunny.... BUT- we could not have rotting bunny in the floor drain.... ewwwww.... that is highly frowned upon from a health code standpoint. So as they pour water into the drain with the hopes that the bunny will be buoyant enough to float up high enough to pull out- they realize the water is scalding hot.... just great.... I am so happy I heard this story after the fact....

So I will cut to the chase and tell you, the bunny eventually made it to the top where a waiting kitchen staff pulled it out by the head. He looked at the greasy bunny in his hands, raised it into the air, and said, "HE"S ALIVE!"

Almost an hour later (with absolutely no kitchen prep done, whatsoever) and multiple heroic kitchen men telling their tale of the bunny.....

The baby boy bunny was cleaned off, fed, and placed back into his nest... in our yard... with his brothers and sisters...

We slept peacefully that night. And the baby boy bunny still scampers around our yard.

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