Saturday, April 16, 2011

On a personal note...

This week has involved a lot of needs. It is Saturday & I got out of bed @ 6.30am because my mind was racing around everything I need to do. think about. plan. arrange. re-arrange. schedule.etc. I found myself working at @ 6.42am.

But the longer I worked the more productive I felt. And the more productive I felt, the more I worked. It's an ugly cycle. Yesterday I was faced with a decision- continue to work myself into an anxiety attack (it's been awhile) or choose to separate, walk away, and give it a few hours to breath...  I walked away.... And that was one big step.

Anyone in the position of leadership or management or ownership knows that everyone else's needs quite often come before your own. It is not a bad thing. It is a subservient understanding that these type of positions require those unselfish acts for the good of the whole. Or The more people you have around you, the more you give of yourself. I suppose this was just one of those weeks that involved a lot of give. and give. and give.

So in my breath of fresh air I met a couple friends for coffee. Oh, how I cherish dear friends! They calm me down, they bring me back to earth & they help me to realize there's a world outside of work. One lovely friend just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 3 weeks ago (who I may have mentioned previously!) & he just happened to be there as well. I cannot stress the comforting fact that God gives you what you need, when you need it. How soothing to be in the presence of friends. How peaceful to hold this precious baby boy. And how humbling to hear of the love, devotion & commitment to this tiny baby's needs.

Thank you Jesus for giving me what I need right when I need it. 
when i pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength i need.
psalm 138.3

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